A 28-year-old previously healthy woman arrives in the emergency room complaining of 24h of anorexia and nausea and low er abdominal pain that is more intense in the right low er quadrant than elsewhere. On exam ination she has peritoneal signs o f the right low er quadrant and a rectal tem perature of 38. 38℃ (101. 8 。F ). At exploration through
incision of the right lower quadrant,she is found to have a small?contained perforation of a
cecal diverticulum . Which of the follow ing statements regarding this situation is true?
A: Cecal diverticula are acquired disorders
B: Cecal diverticula are usually multiple
C: Cecal diverticula are mucosal herniations through the muscularis propria
D: Diverticulectomy,closure of the cecal defect,and appendectomy may be indicated
E: A nileocolectomy is indicated even with well-localized inflam mation