A 60-year-old previously healthy man has been feeling tired for the past 15 days. He goes to his physician when he passes dark-colored urine. On physical examination his blood pressure is 155/90mmHg. Laboratory studies show his serum creatinine is 390μmol/L, P-ANCA 1 : 160( + ). A urinalysis reveals pH 6,specific gravity 1.011,4+ blood,2+ pro­tein, no glucose,and no ketones. Which of the following pathologic findings on renal biopsy is most likely to be present in this man

  • A: 大于50% glomerular crescents
  • B: Widened proximal tubules
  • C: Lymphocytes infiltration
  • D: Severe interstitial fibrosis
  • E: IgA deposited in glomerular capillaries

