In case of hepatic rupture resulted from closed abdominal trauma, the part of the liver most likely to be injured is
A: Left lobe
B: Right lobe
C: Diaphragmatic surface
D: Visceral surface
E: Porta hepatis
We can see the Vossius ring in
Rheumatoid Factor can be positive in diseases such as
In the following rheumatic diseases,which has inflammatory lesions
A 35-year-old female has progressive numbness of the right arm and difficulty seeing objects in the left visual field. She is known to be HIV positive,but has not consistently taken medications in the past. On examination,she appears healthy,but has a right homonymous hemianopsia and decreased sensory perception in her left upper extremity and face. Her CD4 count is 75 cells per fA,and her MRI is consistent with a demyelinating lesion of the left parietooccipital area. CSF PCR for JC virus is positive. Which of the following is the most appropriate treatment in this case
Which antibody can occur in the patient of myasthenia gravis
Which lab results can be found in nutritional iron deficiency anemia
The patient has granular dystrophy in both eyes. Are the following true
A 29-year-old female has cold fingers,pallor,cyanosis and flushing in both hands every winter or when her hands are submerged in cold water for 4 years.Physical examination findings:Pulse 86/min,BP(right arm)18/10kPa.It is most likely to find which on physical examinationThe onset conditions can be determine by
Symptoms of PPD can occur anytime in the first year postpartum, but not include
In the case of two-rescuer CPR for children,the ratio of compression to ventilation is